Pacific Ocean Division News

Ribbon-cutting opens railhead at Camp Humphreys

Published Feb. 18, 2016
“We are at the forefront of incredible change, represented in a few minutes when we’ll offload one of the heaviest pieces of equipment in the U.S. Army inventory. Before today, we were reliant on the airspace and the road networks to be able to move in an

“We are at the forefront of incredible change, represented in a few minutes when we’ll offload one of the heaviest pieces of equipment in the U.S. Army inventory. Before today, we were reliant on the airspace and the road networks to be able to move in an

On Feb. 17, the railhead at Camp Humphreys was officially opened in a ribbon-cutting ceremony, and a tracked engineer recovery vehicle was the first vehicle to roll off the train and onto the railhead.

The ceremony's first speaker was Col. Joseph C. Holland, garrison commander of U.S. Army Garrison Humphreys.

“We are at the forefront of incredible change, represented in a few minutes when we’ll offload one of the heaviest pieces of equipment in the U.S. Army inventory,” Holland said. “Before today, we were reliant on the airspace and the road networks to be able to move in and out of Camp Humphreys. Now, this is a facility well worthy of the USFK relocation that’s going on here at Camp Humphreys in Pyeongtaek. This facility is a focal point for that effort in a peace zone, to enable the transition of the Second Infantry Division to Pyeongtaek and Camp Humphreys,” Holland said. “This railhead is essential for us being able to fight tonight.”

Holland then introduced the next speaker, Maj. Gen Theodore D. Martin, commanding general of the Second Infantry Division.

“I tell you, it is a great day to be a Soldier,” said Martin, “standing at what will soon be the linchpin of our power projection capabilities for the ROK-U.S. alliance.”

Martin said, “It is fitting today that this engineer recovery vehicle is the first of more than 390 tracked vehicles and 950 wheeled vehicles from our division, which will eventually call Camp Humphreys home. It’s fitting that the engineers lead the assault. Even in the earliest days of the Revolution, it’s been the engineers that led the breach and established a foothold so that the rest of our army could assemble together in one place, and that’s exactly what you’re seeing here. I couldn’t be prouder of the entire team, and I’d like to salute the government of the Republic of Korea, the U.S. Army Garrison Humphreys, all of the engineers and the proud workers that made this day a reality.”

“So, without any further ado, I think we need to cut that ribbon and get that armored vehicle on the ground here so we can get about the business of bringing the entire division to Camp Humphreys,” Martin said. “We are on the way; there is nothing that stop us. Second to none! Katchi kapshida.”