FORT SHAFTER, Hawaii – Members of the Mississippi River Commission pictured at the Pacific Ocean Division Headquarters commenced the 2022 Mekong-Mississippi Sister Rivers Exchange engagement starting with a prep session in Hawaii on July 6, with U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, U.S. Army Pacific, and the Asia Pacific Center of Security Studies. Delegation members include Brig. Gen. Kirk Gibbs (center-right), Pacific Ocean Division commanding general, located at Fort Shafter, Hawaii, and Mississippi River Commission members: Maj. Gen. Diana M. Holland (center-left), commanding general of Mississippi Valley Division located in Vicksburg, Mississippi and Mississippi River Commission president, Norma Jean Mattei (second to left), Ph.D., professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of New Orleans, Col. Geoff Van Epps (far-left), commander of the Northwestern Division, located in Portland, Oregon, Rear Adm. Benjamin Evans (second to right), director of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Office of Coast Survey, located in Silver Spring, Maryland, and Col. Andy Pannier (far right), deputy commander, Mississippi Valley Division, located in Vicksburg, Mississippi.